When anyone has asked me about New Year's Eve this year I have had the overwhelming feeling of relief that 2011 is almost over. Yet, on deeper reflection, I think 2011 has been a year that has had an impact on my life that I will treasure and value forever.
The poem 'Footprints' talks about a man walking along a beach seeing footprints in the sand that reflected different times in his life. Most of the time there were two sets of footprints; One belonging to the man, one belonging to the Lord who was walking beside him. At other times there was only one set of footprints and these seemed to be the hardest moments of the man's life. He asked the Lord why there was only one set at these times and the Lord responded, "It was then that I carried you."
This year, I think there were many more times when there was one set of footprints rather than two. Throughout my difficulties I have been rescued more times than I can remember. I know He was walking with me, willing me to get things right and constantly knocking at my door. I've needed Him every hour and He has been there. So here is a list of some of the highlights of my year because there have been some absolutely incredible highs.
- Passing Year Two of Medical School.
- A last-minute trip to Denmark with Monique.
- An amazing family holiday in Spain (seeing the Alhambra and Cordoba).
- Lauren's invitation to go to the temple which came at exactly the right time.
- My first hospital placement and the friends I have as a result of that (Tahreema, Nevine, Melissa and Christine especially)- they got me through and kept me smiling when things got really hard. I'm never going to take for granted the fact that these were the people who cared when they had no obligation to. Each of them has made me laugh and strengthened me.
- Cheltenham YSA day: the results of going to that activity are one of my greatest sources of happiness right now. I've been a bit reluctant to write anything about this on my blog but it's kind of the highlight of my life at the moment and though I'm always a bit worried that those kinds of things are transient, I'm just going to enjoy the fact that it gives me something to look forward to right now. My weekends have been fantastic lately. I'm always going to be grateful for that.
- Watching the Royal Wedding at Powis Castle.
- My family being together again for the first time in 2 years.
- Seeing someone who's baptism I spoke at 4 years ago return from his mission.
- Going on my first Young Women's camp since I was a Young Woman myself.
- Being a counsellor at EFY- "There is.... NONE GREATER!"
- Receiving a book through the post from a friend that has helped my understanding develop a lot.
- Seeing lots more Shakespeare at Stratford-Upon-Avon.
- Becoming closer to my younger sister.
- No longer being the only 'child' at home- each of us has 'flown the nest' for a little while and now three of the four are back!
- The last few times I saw my Granddad. Clearly his passing this year was not what anyone wanted- but I am glad to say that I knew this incredible man. He is a constant reminder to me of what it means to serve with everything you have. I know that I will see him again.
- Trips to London to see Les Miserables and The Lion King.
- My Uncle (finally) getting married! It was incredible to see their happiness. Also, attending two more weddings this month. It's always incredible to see people find joy like that.
- Elder Bednar's visit to the YSA in Reading. It was a meeting I will absolutely never forget. We also got an opportunity to sing in the YSA choir for his visit to Lichfield/Birmingham/Coventry stakes. I learned a lot from the things he said there and the spirit he brought.
It's been another year of experiences. Another year that gives me hope for the joy possible in the year to come. I've been propped up, cared for and listened to by so many people this year.
I only hope that I can do more to support them the way they support me in the year to come.
Christmas time makes me think especially of the birth of our Saviour who has been the one carrying me throughout this year. The aid that He has provided this year was nothing that anyone else could have given. He has healed my heart, wrapped me up in peace when I could have been distraught and brought out of me a strength that I never thought I had because I simply don't have that without Him. When people have asked me if I'm doing ok I have always been able to answer with a smile because I trust the Lord and His plan and I know that if He is carrying me then I'm following the right path.
So actually in the end it's a bitter-sweet farewell to 2011 and a determination to live well in 2012.
In the words of 'Fame': BRING ON TOMORROW! - there will be more opportunities for love, service, development and strengthening my trust in the Saviour, and I can't wait!!!
'The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of 60 minutes an hour, whatever [she] does, whoever [she] is'.