Thursday, 22 March 2012

Wonderful Events Coming Soon!


I have a lot of reasons to be excited about life right now! The above is just one of them! 

I've officially finished my hospital placements for Year 3. I did this without killing or even mortally wounding a single patient and I had some brilliant moments today which made a nice conclusion to it all. When asked by a junior doctor today on the ward if I would be able to take some bloods I was able to answer with confidence that I could successfully take the blood. I looked at the patients veins after collecting the things I needed and suddenly wondered if my confidence was a little premature. Nevertheless, I felt around for a little while and I could feel a vein. I took a deep breath, knowing that I would have to admit it to both the patient (who fortunately was an absolutely delightful, patient man) and the doctor who I had told I could carry out the procedure, if I had this wrong. To my absolute delight my confidence was validated and I carried it out without a hitch. It was a fabulous feeling! At the end of last term I was still a little... well... shaky in this area! If only this was part of the exam- I may actually pass 3rd year!!! 

General Conference is coming up! Ok, so I have to admit that I'm not very good at listening to 3 or 4 meetings lasting two hours each over a weekend. My excitement is more about the messages that will be then available to me over the next 6 months so I can devour them and learn more and more. I love that we have words of Prophets and apostles and lately I have enjoyed listening to them with regards to the things that are specifically relevant to me right now. I know General Conference will have shed loads of insight that can benefit my life; the messages are straight from Heavenly Father. I love that I can have that on my iPod! 

I'm going to Denmark in May to visit one of my best friends in the entire universe. I'm just so excited for a week of girly-chats, relaxation and a change of scenery. 

I know I have to get through them first but I am excited about the exams being over. I anticipate this with much glee! 

This year is passing by so quickly and I just can't believe all of the truly wonderful and exciting things that are happening. When life begins to swirl around me and I feel a little bit dizzy I just have to stop and think about all of the wonder of it all. It doesn't stop me from being busy but it does make it all so exciting rather than just overwhelming. 

"He will place in your path packets of 

spiritual sunlight to brighten your way." 

- Richard G. Scott

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