Monday, 25 July 2011

A wonderfully hectic summer!

 This summer is probably my last long summer for a while so I have been determined to make it count!

My family, a few hangers on and I went to Spain for two weeks and had an incredible time. Mainly it was a sun-sea-sand holiday but we also saw amazing places such as the caves at Nerja, the Alhambra at Grenada (opposite) and the Mosque-cathedral at Cordoba (above).

On arriving back the five of us (the four gorgeous young people on the left of the picture) and myself went to training for our position as counsellors at EFY. That was also a wonderful experience and has left me so excited for EFY. I have a lot of things to prepare but I'm excited about it!

This week on Wednesday it is 4 years since Ben and I first started dating. In celebration of that and as a much belated birthday present to him from myself, we are going to see The Lion King in London. It's always nice to spend the day with my best friend and it has been one of the wonders of this summer that he has come back again and that we are enjoying our time together.

On Thursday I'm off to Young Women's camp for a couple of days; arriving back on Saturday afternoon. I'm excited about that as well!

Becky and I have a spa day planned for one day next week and it's just as well, really! Life is hectic. I guess that's the way I like it. It's in our experiences that we grow- and we don't experience anything just sitting around. I just need to leave time for pondering the scriptures, preparing wonderful devotionals for the girls in my care at EFY and doing what I can for the YW in my ward!

Life is an absolutely glorious thing. I just need to remain unafraid and ready to jump right into it all.