Well, having finished my first term of medical school it was an interesting experience to head away from University and back 'Home for the Holidays' (as my Mom's Yankee Candle said!). It's given me some idea that I won't feel entirely settled for a while as there will be this constant to-ing and fro-ing between home and Birmingham. I guess that's ok for me as there's only a 30 mile journey between them, but I guess I'll be at University for longer than everyone else...
Luckily I feel like I've made suitable progress this term. It's been really tough to get into the stride of the workload and I've particularly been hating lectures- I find it so difficult to concentrate in a dark room full of 400 people with a projector on. However, during these Christmas holidays I've started to knuckle down to revision and I've realised two very important things:
1) I like Medicine. I enjoy the things we're learning- I want to do this for my career and
2) I am going to have to work much harder if I want to pass my exams and graduate in 5 years time.
That aside, the Christmas holidays have been fun. Before Christmas Ben and I went to the York Ball, staying at his sister's house in York in order to do so which was a pleasant experience; then as a family (plus Ben and Mark) we went to Yorkshire (Wakefield) for a few days before Christmas to see the maternal Grandparents and extended family. We had a fun afternoon and evening opening presents and enjoying Thomas and Oliver's Wii, before finding sleeping arrangements- Charlotte, Becky and I stayed at Uncle Chris and Aunty Yvonne's; Mark, Jonathan and Ben crashed in the Living Room at the grandparents.
The day after we drove across to York, primarily so that Charlotte could see Kate (her best friend, who also happens to be engaged to Richard, our cousin).
The rest of us ended up at the National Railway Museum which, after groaning about being forced to go, I quite enjoyed due to Ben and I discovering we were in possession of a certain amount of imagination and a camera.
Ok, I didn't say we had a LOT of imagination!
It made the monotony of trains at least bareable, anyway. And after that we went for a walk around York. It's a lovely town and I always enjoy wandering round it.
After our little meander round York we went round to the Horwell's home where they very kindly fed all eight of us a lovely dinner! We had a lot of fun talking to and playing games with Kate's younger sisters.
On Christmas Eve we were back in Lichfield and as the usual tradition goes, we (family + hangers on!) went to see a film- this year it was 'Inkheart'. I love Paul Bettany, but I have to confess I didn't think even he saved the movie entirely. But, it was Orange Wednesdays so at least we all got in at half price!
Christmas Day was the usual- Becky came into my room at around 7am, and then together we sang 'Silent Night' in obnoxiously loud voices as we waltzed into Charlotte's room in order to convince her that she, too, wanted to join in the Christmas glee. Mom and Dad's plan for Santa to leave a book at the end of our beds to open on Christmas morning is still a tradition- even if it never had the desired effect of making us stay in bed! Luckily this Christmas Mom and Dad were already awake, and seemed eager to get straight downstairs and see what was under the Christmas tree.
I found my main present with a note from Mom on it saying "smile"- and guessing that it was a camera I got it opened up pretty quickly, so I could enjoy it! I also got changed from my PJs into the gorgeous blue dress Benj bought me for Christmas and had already given to me.
Presents were unwrapped, Mark visited, we phoned Elder Glenn in Slovakia, Christmas Dinner was gorged upon, Ben came round and more presents were opened, Wallace and Gromit was watched, games were played (Carcasonne being the newest addition, as well as Singstar Disney... just don't ask Becky about the duet to the Circle of Life, I don't think she was amused by my getting all the English while she had the African parts!) and it was generally a lovely family Christmas.
On Boxing Day Mom's parents visited with us, and came with us into Erdington to our paternal Grandparents house, where I spent a good time chatting to Laura and updating her on my conversation with Elder Glenn and generally talking about university. It was nice to see more extended family.
On the Sunday and Monday we had Elder Lee's parents and brothers all the way from Virginia with us for church and they came back to ours afterwards, and then on Monday we took them for a short walk in the Peak District. It was pretty cold, and several of the party probably regretted the decision to go, but I thought it was fine! That evening we spent time with them and it was nice to look back at some of the memories that Elder Lee had of being in Lichfield- we realised we had a lot of funny times with Elder Combe and Elder Lee, and then Elder Batty with Elder Lee. It was nice for him to get to see Ben as well, because he taught Ben the gospel and confirmed him. The ripples of that will reach to all those who Ben teaches on his mission. It was nice to see them together.
On 30th December (Charlotte had sadly gone back to Wales by now!) the remaining 7 of us went down to London for the day, to take in a matinee. Using Student ID we managed to get decent seats for under the usual prices: 2 tickets for Becky and Mark to see "Wicked" (her Christmas present to him), and 3 tickets for Ben, Jon and I to see "We Will Rock You". Mom and Dad queued in Leicester Square and got tickets for "We Will Rock You" too, and then we all ate in Pizza Hut. After the show we all met in Hamleys and then went home. It was a nice day out.
The day after, Ben passed his driving test with only 4 minors! I was fairly confident he'd be able to keep control of his nerves this time, but obviously it was an exciting moment to hear that he'd passed! On New Years eve morning.
New Years was spent at the Shaw's house, where the usual party was! Ben and I didn't get there until late because of me not getting ready and because my car had driven 220 miles on £20 worth of petrol, and was for some reason that I can't imagine, unbelievably thirsty. It was a nice night, as always and there were lots of people there to spend time with.
Yesterday we took the Christmas decorations down- or Mom, Dad and Ben did whilst I coughed in a corner due to having this nasty infection that's been going around. As a Medical Student I've taken great delight in looking at the colour of my own mucus in an attempt to self-diagnose and looking at the active ingredients in all of the medicines I'm taking. It's almost worth being ill. If only I had all of the other diseases I study- perhaps I'd remember them more easily!
Anyway, it seems as if that was really the whole Christmas period summed up. It's been nice and hectic but also relaxed. I've been able to read 1 book and start 2 more.
Resolutions for this year:
1) do regular exercise,
2) study each lecture after I've had it, type up notes more diligently
3) More effective P.J.S. (this blog is part of the J part)
4) eat better- plan my meals!
5) Do anything I can to support Ben with his mission
6) Have fun. Do stuff. Take chances. Put myself forward.
It's been a very thought-provoking Christmas and New Year!!!
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